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  • Common questions about NDIS and disability services

What types of support does NDIS funding cover?

Not all types of support required by a person living with a disability fall under the responsibility of the NDIS . Some supports are funded by other areas of government (e.g. state health systems) or existing public/community services. In general, the NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports that help a person living with a disability enjoy an ordinary life. These supports and services fall into three categories.


Capacity building

Are the Disability Support Pension and the NDIS linked?

The Disability Support Pension along with other income supports and payments such as the Carer Payment, Carer Supplement, Carer Allowance and Child Disability Assistance Payment are entirely separate to the NDIS. These payments will not be affected if a patient qualifies for NDIS funding (the exception to this is the Mobility Allowance from Centrelink, which may be replaced if your patient’s NDIS plan includes transport-related funded supports). It’s important to note that someone who is receiving the Disability Support Pension is not automatically eligible for NDIS funding and supports.

Am I eligible

People receiving support from other governments

Transitioning to the NDIS

Continuity of Support

How to apply

Get help applying

Information to support your request

Receiving your access decision

Information for GPs and health professionals

Practical resources for GPs and other health professionals

Applying to access the NDIS FAQ

Eligibility and early intervention FAQ

Eligibility and medical conditions FAQ

Supporting evidence FAQ

Supports FAQ

What is an Access Request Form?